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Drum, Low Density Channelizer (4) 6″ 3M Diam. Grade Bands OWOW No Base
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- Drum is a minimum of 18″ wide throughout its 36″ height, regardless of orientation
- Tapered design allows stacking with or without barricade lights for easy handling and storage
- Drum and base remain “snapped together” until impacted or separated for transportation and storage
- Gentle curves throughout drum eliminate sharp edges or corners that crack and break when impacted
- Built-in carrying and dragging handle
- Two mounting holes for optional barricade lights
- Bright orange color molded throughout drum – UV inhibitors minimize fading
- NTPEP tested-meets or exceeds MUTCD specifications
- Retaining lip and flange for added strength during impact
- “D” shaped design minimizes rolling after impact and separation from base
- 100% recycled rubber base for increased durability and “gription” which resists movement from passing vehicles